Product Re-Engineering

The lifetime of a product is defined by the flexibility of its architecture to make it scalable and updated. Product re-engineering ensures that the product can grow, meet market demands and remain competitive. At KlioTech we “future-proof” products through re-engineering. Our re-engineering services ensure that the product remains scalable and flexible for the rest of its life time and wouldn’t have to be reengineered again in the future.

Our product reengineering services include:

  • Reengineering legacy applications (Visual Basic, Power Builder, C++/VC++) to web based, MVC applications
  • Single user applications to multi user / multi tenant cloud based SaaS (Software as a Service) applications
  • Merging multiple standalone applications into single enterprise wide information system (ERP)
  • Mobile & web enablement of existing applications

Our understanding of business and technology landscapes empower us to define the right product re-engineering roadmap to apply our superior domain knowledge and technical expertise to make products contemporary.

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